Nursing Informatics Practice Exam 2024 - Free Nursing Informatics Practice Questions and Study Guide

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What is the role of a nurse with specialized skills, knowledge, and competencies in informatics and is considered a generalist in the field of informatics in nursing?

Clinical Nurse Specialist

A Clinical Nurse Specialist is the most appropriate choice because a nurse with specialized skills, knowledge, and competencies in informatics is considered a generalist in the field of informatics in nursing. Clinical Nurse Specialist is a recognized specialty in nursing, which requires additional education, training, and certification. B: Experienced Nurse is not the most appropriate choice because it does not indicate specific skills, knowledge, or competencies in informatics. While experience is important in any field, in this particular context, specialized skills and knowledge are necessary. C: Informatics Nurse (IN) is also a recognized specialty in nursing, but it does not necessarily indicate a generalist in the field of informatics. An Informatics Nurse could have specialized knowledge and skills in one particular area within the field of informatics. D: Medical Technologist is not the best choice because this role typically involves laboratory work and does not necessarily have a focus on informatics. While some medical technologists may have knowledge of informatics, it is not their primary role or specialty.

Experienced Nurse

Informatics Nurse (IN)

Medical Technologist


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